2022-01-16 06:03:50 +00:00

267 lines
8.4 KiB
Executable File

#!perl -w
use strict;
use Socket;
# auto-flush on socket
$| = 1;
my $VERSION="1.10";
print " $VERSION, by Frans Veldman s/v ZwerfCat (\n";
my $tcp=0;
my $gpsd=0;
my $daemon=0;
my $ownship=0;
my $justme=0;
my $test=0;
my $interval=25;
my $sid='';
my $sidsock=0;
my @sockets;
# Get command line options
foreach my $a(@ARGV) {
$daemon=1 if($a eq "-d" || $a eq "--daemon");
$ownship=1 if($a eq "-o" || $a eq "--ownship");
$test=1 if($a eq "-T" || $a eq "--test");
$tcp=1 if($a eq "-t" || $a eq "--tcp");
$tcp=1, $gpsd=1 if($a eq "-g" || $a eq "--gpsd");
$justme=1, $ownship=1 if($a eq "-j" || $a eq "--justme");
$interval=$2 if($a=~/-(-interval|i)=(\d+)/);
$sidsock=@sockets, $sid=$2 if($a=~/-(-sid|s)=([\w\d]+)/);
if($a eq "-?" || $a eq "-h" || $a eq "--help") {
print "\nUsage:\n";
print "\tperl [OPTIONS] <SOURCE IP:PORT> [<UDP TARGET IP:PORT> ...]\n";
print "\tWith no target specified, displays the raw NMEA from the source\n";
print "Options:\n";
print "\t-h --help Display help\n";
print "\t-t --tcp Use TCP source instead of UDP\n";
print "\t-g --gpsd Use GPSD source\n";
print "\t-o --ownship Include VDO messages\n";
print "\t-j --justme Only AIS updates from own ship\n";
print "\t-i --interval=<SECONDS> Minimum interval between position updates (default 25)\n";
print "\t-s --sid=<ID> Submit Source ID\n";
print "\t-T --test Run as normal, but do not really send\n";
print "\t-d --daemon Run as daemon\n";
print "Example:\n";
print "\tperl -t -g -i=25 -s=ZwerfCat\n";
next if($a=~/^-/);
if($a=~/^((([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])):([0-9]+)$/) {
push @sockets,pack_sockaddr_in($5, inet_aton($1));
} else {
die "Error: $a is not a valid IP:PORT address!\n";
$interval=0 if($interval<4);
# Check that at least a source address has been specified
die "Error: No AIS source specified!\n" unless(@sockets);
print "TEST-MODE. AIS messages will not be send!\n" if($test);
# if an SID is specified, prepare it.
if($sid ne '') {
my $sum=0;
for (my $i=0; $i<length($sid); $i++) {
$sum ^= ord(substr($sid,$i,1));
$sum = sprintf("%02X", $sum);
my $sock;
if(@sockets>1) {
if(!$test) {
# If we are going to send UDP packets, check that there are no multiple instances
use Fcntl qw(LOCK_EX LOCK_NB);
open our $file, '<', $0 or die $!;
die "Another instance is already running!\n" unless (flock $file, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB);
daemonize() if($daemon);
# Setup an UDP output socket
my $socktx;
socket($socktx, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('udp')) || die "socket: $!";
my %mmsitbl;
my $mymmsi=0;
my $cleanuptime=time();
my $prevpayload='';
# just loop forever listening for packets
while (1) {
my $data=<$sock>;
if(length($data)==0) {
# We lost the connection, so re-establish it
close($sock) if($tcp);
print "$data" if(@sockets<=1 && !$test);
# Check for position update messages and extract payload, discard other type messages
next unless($data=~/(!AI(VD[OM]),\d,\d,\d?,[AB]?,(([12359BCH]).*),\d\*..)/);
my $aistype=$2;
my $payload=$3;
my $msgtype=$4;
# If the --justme option is specified, we need to know our own MMSI. We can extract it from a VDO message.
$mymmsi=getmmsi($payload) if(!$mymmsi && $aistype eq "VDO");
# If --ownship is not specified, we have no use for VDO messages.
next if(!$ownship && $aistype eq "VDO");
# UDP sometimes delivers data twice. I had this problem when I was using as a shore relay.
if(!$tcp) {
next if($payload eq $prevpayload);
# Get the MMSI if we need it anyway.
my $mmsi=0;
$mmsi=getmmsi($payload) if(!$daemon || $justme || $interval);
# If --justme is specified, we're done if it is not our own MMSI (or we don't know it yet).
next if($justme && $mmsi!=$mymmsi);
# If the message is a position update, throttle it down.
if($interval && $msgtype=~/[123B]/) {
if(exists $mmsitbl{$mmsi}) {
if($mmsitbl{$mmsi}+$interval>time()) {
print "$mmsi update rejected\n" if(!$daemon);
} else {
print "$mmsi added to table\n" if(!$daemon);
# If we are not running in daemon mode, display the info on screen
if(!$daemon) {
print "$mmsi ";
if($msgtype=~/[123B]/) {
print "position update";
} elsif($msgtype=~/[9]/) {
print "SAR aircraft";
} elsif($msgtype=~/[H]/) {
if(ord(substr($payload, 6, 1)) & 0x04) {
print "static data B";
} else {
print "static data A";
} else {
print "voyage/stat data";
print " \t\"$data\"";
print " \tforwarded to" if(@sockets>1);
# Send the selected AIS messages to the specified outputs
for(my $i=1;$i<@sockets;$i++) {
if(!$daemon) {
my @target=unpack_sockaddr_in($sockets[$i]);
my $ip=inet_ntoa($target[1]);
print " $ip:$target[0]";
my $submit=$data;
$submit="$sid$submit" if($i>=$sidsock);
send($socktx, $submit, 0, $sockets[$i]) if(!$test);
print "\n" if(!$daemon);
# Once per hour, see if we can delete some obsolete stations from the table
if($interval && $cleanuptime+3600<time()) {
# throw away MMSI's which are no longer within range
foreach my $mmsidel (keys %mmsitbl) {
if($mmsitbl{$mmsidel}+900<time()) {
delete $mmsitbl{$mmsidel};
print "$mmsidel deleted from table\n" if(!$daemon);
sub getmmsi {
# MMSI is in bit 8-37 (=30 bits). Each byte in the string holds 6 bits.
# Let's first make an array of translated bytes
my @sixtbl = unpack("C[7]", $payload);
for(my $i=1;$i<7;$i++) {
$sixtbl[$i]-=8 if($sixtbl[$i]>40);
# This is ugly coding but faster than the alternative below which works bit by bit.
my $mmsi = ($sixtbl[1] & 0x0F);
for(my $i=2;$i<6;$i++) {
$mmsi = $mmsi << 6;
$mmsi |= $sixtbl[$i];
$mmsi = $mmsi << 2;
$mmsi |= ($sixtbl[6] >> 4);
# # Recover the bits bit by bit.
# my $mmsi=0;
# for(my $i=8;$i<38;$i++) {
# $mmsi = $mmsi << 1;
# $mmsi |= (($sixtbl[$i/6] >> 5-($i%6)) & 1);
# }
return $mmsi;
sub sourceconnect {
if($tcp) {
# Connect for TCP source
print "Connecting... " if(!$daemon);
socket($sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp')) || die "socket: $!";
setsockopt($sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, 1);
connect($sock,$sockets[0]) || die "Could not connect to TCP port!\n";
print "Connected!\n" if(!$daemon);
if($gpsd) {
# Configure GPSD output, and skip config messages
while(my $line= <$sock>) {
last unless($line=~/\{/);
print $line if(!$daemon);
} else {
# Connect to UDP source
socket($sock, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname('udp')) || die "socket: $!";
setsockopt($sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l", 1)) || die "setsockopt: $!";
bind($sock, $sockets[0]) || die "bind: $!";
sub daemonize {
use POSIX;
POSIX::setsid or die "setsid: $!";
my $pid = fork() // die $!; #//
if($pid) {
print "Started daemon (PID $pid)\n";
chdir "/";
umask 0;
open (STDIN, "</dev/null");
open (STDOUT, ">/dev/null");
open (STDERR, ">&STDOUT");